PA to KY

We are on our way back to Asbury after our ministry weekend at Rhodes Grove camp. We had such a great time this weekend! First things first: the food was phenomenal. We were compelled to kiss the cook after every meal. We have never been so impressed by camp food.

The camp was a family camp, which we had never heard of. Families came and stayed in cabins and came to chapel services twice a day where we led worship before the message. Through the weekend there were a ton of cool activities for the families like game tournaments, canoeing, swimming, ziplining, hiking, and so much more.

While worship was very much in our comfort zone, facilitating the game tournaments was a little more challenging. We split off into pairs and led tournaments for cornhole, carpet ball, fooseball, ping pong, horseshoes, and air hockey. By the second day we had gotten into the swing of things and realized we actually can do more than lead worship.

Overall it was a good start to our summer. The camp and the experience was very comfortable, and we felt welcome and appreciated.

Here are some things to pray for as we return to Asbury for the week:

  • As we go into training week, pray that we would have supernatural unity as a team.
  • We will be taking some form of a driving test with a 15-passenger van pulling a trailer. Please pray for safety for everyone involved.
  • Pray that we as a band will be received well when we go to churches and camps.
  • Pray for technology mercies as we get accustomed to our new  sound system, that we would know how to set up, use, and troubleshoot the equipment.
  • Continue to pray for Cliff and his team as they minister to the people of Malawi, Africa. Also pray that his transition from that team to ours goes as smoothly as possible when he returns June 9.

Thank you for your prayer. We are all so grateful for God's provision so far and we are expectant that He will continue to provide.

Photo: Scenic overlook in Maryland

On the Road

Sojourn is on the road! Today we're headed on an 8-hour journey to Chambersburg, PA, to lead worship at a church retreat.  A few quick updates: we successfully crammed all of our stuff into the van this morning, we have decided we need a GoPro to document our trip, and we pulled over for a pit stop before even getting out of Lexington. Sojourn is off to a great start! 

Here are a few ways to pray for us today: 

  • Pray for safe travels. We already had the tire pressure light come on, and although watching Micah and Brandon figure out how to fix it was entertaining (I'm pretty sure the owner's manual had "dance the Macarena" listed as a necessary step to reset the dashboard light), we'd prefer not to have any more dashboard lights come on, minor or otherwise.  
  • Pray for team unity for us. This weekend will be great for us as a team to grow closer and figure out how to better work together. 
  • Pray for Cliff and his team in Malawi as they minister there. While it's hard not having Cliff with us, we're thrilled for what he's doing in Africa in these next few weeks. He will rejoin our team June 12. 

We will lead worship at a church in Pennsylvania about 4 times, including a Sunday morning service and a 1-hour worship night, all acoustic since we don't have our drummer. We're very excited to get started!

Thank you for your prayers and support! We'll keep updating as often as we can. 

Picture: nap time in the van circa 10:30am, a mere hour and a half into the trip. 

2014 LEGO Advent Calendar

Every year my dad gets me the LEGO City advent calendar, and every year I try to update daily, and every year I lose the pattern about 10 days into the month. So let's see how I do this year. Day 1 day_1.JPG

Day 2 IMG_7678.JPG

Day 3 IMG_7683.JPG

Day 4 IMG_7693.JPG

Day 5 IMG_7694.JPG

Day 6 IMG_7706.JPG

Day 7 (still going strong!) IMG_7745.JPG Still trying to figure out what this is... Do I get a house to go with that façade? And why are there jewels growing out of the plant in the window?

Day 8 IMG_7822.JPG LEGO makes the cutest little ice skates! Look at those! Adorable!

WOW! Sorry I was MIA there for a while. Like I said, somewhere around day 10 every year I just lose track of this whole every day thing. Let's play catch up.

DSC_0070This dog is much more interested in the Christmas turkey than his own dog food.

DSC_0069Mr. Caroling Police Officer is a little too busy, well, caroling to notice the burglar in the house.


DSC_0068It's ok, though, because Mr. Caroling Police Officer's partner is on his way to lend a hand. And check out his patrol sled!

DSC_0064This kid is always up to no good.


DSC_0063I still love those ice skates!


DSC_0072The fruit stand lady recently acquired a bread cart, as well!

DSC_0073There he goes, stealing the family jewels... And some guard dog!


DSC_0074Need some firewood? Find it by the town Christmas tree.

Now that you're all caught up to Day 22, I'll try to keep your posted for days 23 and 24. (Note: I'll try.)

Day 23 - Back on track!

Santa's scooterI'm anticipating Santa tomorrow on the 24th, so this must be in lieu of his sleigh. Christmas is so close!

Welcome to Ireland, Kat.

Let's just talk about wifi for a minute. Wifi in Ireland is available pretty much everywhere. You can get wifi for free in restaurants, the airport, and even on buses! But do you know where you can't get wifi? Our hotel room, our tour bus, and the Cliffs of Moher. And do you know where I was when I needed wifi? Our tour bus and the Cliffs of Moher. You see, our American credit card is extremely helpful to have with us so we can pay for things... unless we can't pay by card. And then, well, the card isn't so helpful. So, you know, we needed to call home to get the pin for the card.

So there I am at the Cliffs of Moher, where the free wifi doesn't work, and the buses are coming and going. I logged onto wifi from some bus and spent probably 2 or 3 minutes filling in the log-in form just to connect. Once I was online, I pulled up Skype, dialed the number, and called. Just as John answered the phone, guess what happened. No, really, guess.

The bus drove away.

I finally get through on the phone and the bus is driving away.


So there I am at the Cliffs of Moher, chasing after a tour bus so that I don't lose my wifi connection, yelling into my phone, "John? John!? It's Kat! Hello!?" and then the connection was gone.

So there I am at the Cliffs of Moher, trying desperately to find another wifi source. I found another bus, logged on, and called again, this time actually getting through and getting the pin number! We went inside to the ATM and slid in the card, put in the pin, and selected a withdrawal... only to find that the pin was wrong.


So there I am at the Cliffs of Moher, once again stalking tour buses to find a good wifi connection, logging into servers only to have them drive away. Stupid mobile technology.

When I finally got through to John again, he gave me the pin number, and I literally jumped for joy. But then... wait for it... he asked me questions. And I answered them. And I forgot the pin.

I. forgot. the stupid. pin.


So there I am at the Cliffs of Moher, wandering through the parking lot trying to find another bus with wifi, all while still not having the pin and not seeing the stupid freaking Cliffs of Moher! There I am at the Cliffs of Moher, and I haven't even seen the cliffs. And we can't get money off our card.

So many times the buses drove off, and so many times I was so close to getting what we needed, and I still. just. couldn't. And as I'm sitting on the sidewalk in defeat at the Cliffs of Moher, I declare, out loud, that I do not appreciate God's sense of humor. And I think I heard God laugh.

To wrap up a very long story about a very long day, we did get the pin, and we can get cash at ATM's. God came through in the end, as he always does.

Welcome to Ireland, Kat.

Bigger Plans

I'm sure that everyone is aware of the government shutdown last week. Or is it still shut down this week? Does anyone know the current status on that? I guess I'll have to Google that one. Anyways... I'm betting very few of you know the real reason the government shut down. No, it wasn't because of funding disputes, or fighting between political parties, or the fact that so-and-so is wrong and such-and-such is right. Actually, the reason behind the government shutdown is much much larger than a little political debate. It was so Chase could go to church with me on Sunday.

Now I know what you're thinking. "The government did not shut down so you could see your boyfriend, you narcissist," and my response to you is, you're right. The government did not shut down so I could see my boyfriend. It shut down so he could go to church. And not just any church, but the church I was also attending. Because God makes all things work together for our good.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 NLT

For those of you who don't know, my boyfriend, Chase, just returned home from basic training for the National Guard and was wanting to come visit me at school this last weekend, but he was going to have to go to drill. In light of the government shutting down, however, his drill was moved to October 26th, allowing him to come down to Kentucky for the weekend. He left early Saturday morning and arrived around lunch time, giving us most of the weekend to just hang out and be together.

But God had much bigger plans for the weekend than we did.

God has been working on Chase's heart since he left for basic training, and I've been blessed to be a part of that transformation. The more we talk about it, the more I see Christ revealing Himself in Chase's life, and it's been really exciting to watch.

Since leaving for college, I've been super excited and anxious to get to Chase to attend church with me at Quest. Our home church is great and we both love it, and I love Quest, so I figured Chase would love it, too. As it turns out, this week was baptism week, so Pastor Pete preached about the importance of being baptized after accepting Christ into your life and starting your relationship with Him. Throughout the service, I could really feel the Holy Spirit moving in Chase, convicting him, telling him to make his next step, but I could also tell that Chase's next step was not getting baptized at Quest.

Chase accepted Christ into his life this Sunday, October 6th, 2013, and was born again, adding to the Kingdom of God and causing celebration on earth and in heaven.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV

I am eternally amazed by God's awesome plans for us in everything we do, from taking the wrong turn at a stop sign to shutting down the American government. I have never been so convinced that everything happens for a reason, and I think salvation is a pretty good reason. 

I am so happy for you, Chase. You continue to amaze me every day, and I love the new person you're becoming even more than the old one that's gone away. I am so excited to see God continue to work in you and through you, and I'm so blessed to be a part of your journey.

Thank you, God, for letting me be a part of Chase's story, and thank you for giving us stories to tell in our ministry. Help me lead more people to know you. And thank you, Father, for designing and ruling our lives, because without You we could do nothing, but in You all things are possible. Amen.

Hiding behind Social Media

I'd like to just start by stating a simple fact: I enjoy social media. I really do. So when I start ranting here in a few minutes, just keep in mind that I check Facebook often, I tweet regularly, and my Instagram is updated frequently. That being said, I do have some problems with social media: it makes it too easy for us to hide. The culture of social media has given us an easy out, an escape from real life.

For example: I was in the school library the other day when I overheard some students cursing and calling each other "sluts," along with various other insults (delivered jokingly, but still disrespectfully). In my conservative, private, Christian college with Christian classmates, this is pretty much not at all what I expected to overhear in the library. I felt oddly called to do something, like maybe let them know that their speech was not glorifying God, or let a librarian know that there were students causing a scene in the back. But then I also felt called to just ignore them. I thought about it for a while, and I sat trying to drown out their conversation. Then I made a decision - a decision that, in retrospect, I realize was definitely the wrong decision. I posted a status update on Facebook. This was, well, stupid. I sat and typed, something to the tune of, "Students cussing up a storm in the library. Not sure how to handle this." And when I hit send, I had done my part. I didn't have to confront the students, or tattle to a librarian, but I also didn't just ignore the situation. In my mind, I had done something about it.

Except the something I had done was cowardly. I took the shortcut. It was irresponsible and immature. The mature response is to confront a fellow Christian when they make a mistake, and to do so lovingly, carefully, and in private. The mature response is not to "subtweet" about it and just hope something is done. The mature response is not to post a status update and pass off the responsibility to anyone who may read the post. The mature response is to follow the guides of Pastor Doug from the latest sermon series, and to practice "active listening," like Ray Ramano in "Everybody Loves Raymond."

What are we doing?

You know that time when you were really down in the dumps about something, so you posted a very vague, nondescript status or tweet? It's ok, you can admit it. We've all done it. Now think about it: why did you post in that way? Why did you write something vague instead of just stating your problems?

When that guy broke up with you, did you tweet, "oh, my poor broken heart," or did you tweet, "Just got dumped. Feeling sad. Prayers, please." I'm guessing you picked the first one. I mean, that's what I did.

And when someone insulted you via text message, did you post, "yah, well you're stupid, too," or did you confront that person directly about their insult? I'm betting you picked the first one. I did, too.

So what's wrong with that?  When we post something like, "oh my poor broken heart," we're being passive aggressive. We're manipulating people into asking us what's wrong. And when we post something vague instead of confronting the problem, we're being too cowardly to take care of ourselves. Facebook and Twitter are great, but not when we use them the wrong way. We need to stand up for ourselves! We need to face a challenge head on, not just tweet about it and hope it goes away.

Subtweeting is never the way to go. I know this is easier said than done, but it's so true. As Christians, we are called to only speak when our speech will build each other up (and in today's culture, speech includes Facebook posts and tweets). We are called to turn the other cheek. We are not, however, call to be passive aggressive and immature.

Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

Ephesians 4:25-32

I should never have posted that message on Facebook about the people in the library. A passive aggressive post doesn't glorify God, and it definitely doesn't show my classmates how to live for Christ. Let's stop subtweeting. Let's stop hiding behind status updates. Let's stop being the flawed humans that we are. Let's instead glorify God in all that we do, from our words, both written and spoken, to our actions, and everything in between. We're never gonna fix anything with vague Facebook posts. So let's stop wasting our breath! We're only given so much time on this earth, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to waste any of that time doing anything not in God's plan for me.

I'm going to confront someone humbly and lovingly when they're making a mistake. I'm going to ask for help upfront instead of posting a passive aggressive status. I'm going to try harder to be all that God created me to be. I'm going to stop hiding behind status updates.

Are you?

The Green Smoothie Experience

Brace yourself, because this may shock you... I've been working out every day.

I know. It's crazy. Unbelievable. But true! Granted, it's only been a week, but I'm still proud! I guess since it's summer I've just had more flexibility with my schedule. I'm making time to go to the gym!

Anyways, when I get home from the gym, I'm hungry! But I never really feel like eating, ya know? Like, why would I go to the gym and work out, then come home and eat a full meal? It just doesn't seem right. So instead, I make a smoothie!

It's amazing how much fun a blender can be. This green concoction is made up of, well, whatever I could find in the fridge. I started with a handful of spinach, cause I've heard that goes well in smoothies. There were some strawberries, a few pieces of pineapple, a few grape tomatoes (like I said, whatever I could find in the fridge...), a scoop of vanilla greek yogurt (that was all that was left), some regular vanilla yogurt, and almond milk to fill the blender to 3 cups. That made two pretty delicious servings of what I will now call... The Leafy Love Smoothie.

I made that up just now, so the name's not set in stone...

So there's my creation for the day. And man, was it good after a long hard workout. FatGirl kicked my butt with her squat routine...

Happy crafting! ~kat


Today I decided to restore and update my phone. A little restoration just seemed like a good idea.
(Prepare yourself for some geek-talk. You can skip ahead if you like.)
I had 2.41 GB of "other" stored on my phone, and therefore had no room for more pictures or music. Google says the solution is to restore your phone, so I did. I tried to back it up first, but it didn't work because my computer is out of disk space, but it had been backed up this morning on iCloud... yada yada... so I gave up on the back-up and just hit restore, but it restored with an old old old back up... yada yada... so I clicked "Start as New iPhone."
(Resume English here...)
Don't. Ever. Do this.
Yes, I fixed the free space problem on my phone. I cleared up so much space that it's ridiculous. I now have about 4 GB freed up. It's amazing how much crap your phone accumulates that you can get rid of.
It's also amazing how much valuable stuff you lose when you click "restore"... Like the cell phone number for your boyfriend, who is away at basic training for the next three months. Or the text messages between you two that dated all the way back to before prom. Or the letter you wrote him that you drafted on your phone that inspires him on tough days.
Don't restore your iPhone.
Now here I am, at 1 in the morning, crying over my phone. My phone! It's just a thing. Things don't mean anything. They're just materials. It shouldn't be a big deal.
It shouldn't.
I should have just dealt with the lack of free space. No one needs space on their phone. I should have just let it be.
I should...
But worrying about shoulds and shouldn'ts won't get me anywhere, will it? Sure, it shouldn't be a big deal... but it is. And maybe I shouldn't have opted for restoration... but I did. I have to take it and move on. Yah, I can be upset. But ultimately, it really is just a thing.
Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:19-21)
Sure, it's nice to have 4 GB free on my phone now. Yah, it sucks majorly that I lost all of my text messages and notes. But really, none of that matters. This life is just the journey to the real deal. Phones and text messages and .mp3's and extra GB... They won't matter in heaven.
Dear God, Grant me peace. In the long run, none of this really matters... Help me remember that. Amen.